YES IN MY Back Yard mission
YIMBY’s mission is to end the housing shortage and achieve affordable, sustainable, and equitable housing for all.
What We Do
Uphold and enforce housing law
Yes In My Back Yard and our project YIMBY Law review public records to identify cities that may be violating housing laws. We then inform cities of the possible violations, and, if necessary, file litigation to ensure cities follow the law and housing is built.
Train pro-Housing Advocates
Yes In My Back Yard trains people to effectively advocate for abundant, affordable housing in their neighborhoods. We host events, share housing policy research and insights, and develop resources advocates can directly use in their communities to influence local elected officials, planning commissions, and their neighbors to support more homes. We often partner with YIMBY Action to create and disseminate these resources.
propose improvements to housing law
Advocates gather insights from their work in their communities and share those insights with legislators and state agencies. This helps inform improvements to existing housing laws with the goal of making them more effective at getting more homes built faster, especially in neighborhoods with plenty of amenities such as high-paying jobs and high-quality schools.
looking to support pro-housing political advocacy? check out our affiliate organization YIMBY Action.
Your donation helps make our vision of abundant, affordable housing into a reality.